5 The Concept Of Online Business That Can Make Money From The Internet


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Here are 5 examples of online activities that can be done as an effort to obtain financial income with various advantages and disadvantages.

# 1 Selling online or creating an online store

For now building an online store is not a difficult thing because there are so many forms of programs or systems provided by web developers in the form of Conten Management System (CMS) which we live install on a hosting then use it to market the products we will sell .

Required capital:

Domain Name [dot com] Rp 150 thousand per year
Medium Hosting Rp 350 thousand per year
Having an online store does not mean we are required to have their own goods or products. Nowadays there are many online shop systems where they offer merchandise belonging to others or even belonging from other online stores.

This type of online business is more popularly known by the term dropship system or the general language is like a reseller where we as a seller will benefit from a successful product we marketed to happen sales transactions.

Following the dropship business model of a large product suppliers will make it easier for us to manage the online store that we build because no longer need to be preoccupied with the procurement of goods. And the suppliers will send goods ordered by consumers on behalf of our online store to be more professional and increasingly gain full trust from consumers.

If you build an online web store you feel you have not been able, then there is still the opportunity to learn online sales using social media accounts.

# 2 Create a blog or website from a paid or free

The second point is actually the foundation or foundation of any form of online business where all activities on the internet today will not be separated from the role of a blog or web.

Creating a website is now quite easy even for a beginner and does not require special skills in the field of programming or have to take IT courses that will take a long time.

For a beginner and want to try to jump in this field, while simply learning from a web platform or free blog is enough qualified to be a business land on the internet.

Where to get tutorial or complete guide how to build a web and blog to make money? Search it on google that much distributed free of charge only by the bloggers.

To deepen the science of how to design, optimize and manage a good web or blog, you can join a forum like ads.id which is currently a trusted reference of bloggers Indonesia.

Then what to do after having a website?

If the web that we manage is able to gain visitors, then the opportunity to make the business land to make money from the internet has been wide open. And keep in mind that web visitors are valuable assets that will become the benchmark of success of this online business.

What is the difference between paid web and free web, both differ only from the right of ownership which if paid is entirely start from domain name and file which is inside is owned by manager.

While the free web like wordpress.com and blogger.com both are where you ride to perform online activities.

How to make a blog as a money-making business can be started by following an advertising program.

The blog owner will be paid by the advertiser if there is a transaction that involves the ad impressions on the website such as clicks or from the number of impressions only.

Internet business model is the most favorite of the bloggers because with a relatively small capital can even almost without capital, but able to provide outstanding results.

To be sure, to build a web or blog from the beginning to be able to provide adequate results, we must really have enough time to learn and manage it, because usually those who fail in this business always give up on the first month with the reason their web can not Get visitors.

# 3 Following the affiliate program (Affiliate Marketing)

After having a blog and managed to bring visitors, then other internet business opportunities you deserve to try in addition to following the advertising program is to join the affiliate business.

Affiliates themselves in the offline world can be called a realtor who they will earn commissions from what they have done for others.

In the online world, affiliate programs are more promising if we are able to recommend a product to others so they are interested in what we offer until a transaction occurs.

The simplest example is to follow the affiliate business in a local online store website like Lazada or a world-level like Amazon.

Of the two online stores will be paid commissions if your website is able to contribute to participate offer their products until the sale.

The value of the commission given can reach 5% of sales so that the greater the transactions that occur on your blog then the online income you earn also will quickly increase.

# 4 As a contributor to an online media (Content Writer)

This fourth type of online business is the simplest and can even be done by people who do not have a website or blog at all.

Being an online media contributor is a work behind the scenes. And this can not be underestimated even though directly will not become popular, famous as the name of the website that support it.

To start an online business to become an author requires only the skills of writing and able to find an accurate reference source of what will be written. Writing quality determines the value or price that will be converted into financial income.

For example, an Indonesian-language article with a length of between 500 and 1000 words can now be sold at a price of up to Rp 15,000 (Fifteen thousand rupiah). Not to mention for articles that use English, it is certain the price will be much more expensive even can reach Rp 25.000 per article.

Already imagine not how much income will be achieved if in a day you are able to make 10 articles of good quality. Of course the income of a contributors (author of the article) is feasible to support the needs of daily living.

Where can you sell articles? Try your visit forum ads.id or blog jalantikus.com which is currently quite popular for the writers of articles selling the results of his writing.

# 5 Show off videos on YouTube can make an income

The concept of online business to-five this is the easiest option can even be done by anyone who can access the internet.

In the era of mobile phones that already have sophisticated features, the opportunity to be able to make money from the internet is not a difficult problem anymore.

Certainly most mobile phone cameras are now equipped with video recording feature, and this is an opportunity to be able to make the source of money provided that the video made feasible for the aired and has the potential to become famous.

Uploading video files on YouTube sites is not a complicated matter. Simply have a google account, then we can create a channel (channel) where our video will be placed.

If the video can attract the attention of the audience and finally famous, then the opportunity to make it a source of income from the internet is waiting in front of the eye. However, the video owner must comply with any rules set by the google regarding the eligibility of the video to be displayed.